exist, or don't they? Personally, I had always hoped the stories I've read were true. It's kind of a neat story to have as part of Orillia's past ... something of note that probably doesn't exist in a lot of other towns here in Ontario.
So a group of four (see: Under Orillia) took on the challenge that for years has not been been picked up. And yes, the tunnels are there.
The same group will be releasing a film of their explorations, and the time for that is now. Or, pretty close to now anyways. On August 29th at dusk you can visit Couchiching Beach Park's AquaTheatre and have a look at what they found (see: Video Promo).

Back when I first moved to Orillia (I guess 43 years ago now) I remember using the washroom at the side of the Opera house. Anyone that lives any length of time in Orillia has probably been in the dungeon at some point (the washrooms of course are below the current street level). Back then they weren't in terrific shape, but still, they were kept clean and if you "got caught short" you really needed them. There used to be a boarded up door in one of the walls down there which I always thought was really odd - partly because the wall it was in and it would seem to lead no where. Someone once told me there were jail cells behind that, but I always thought there might be a tunnel if there really were rooms behind that door. I guess I always wondered why it would be boarded up, unless it was unsafe.
There is a ton of history in Orillia ... and I guess I just love the historical aspect we have here. So, whose all planning to hit the park tomorrow night? I sure am ...